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What our Readers Said...

Reviews and views from our cherished Hope in Despair readers...

Thank you for purchasing HID; whether you were reading to understand or share it with others, the mission of spreading Hope & Healing cannot be done without you!

Alexa Young, CA

Morgan James, NY

Lisa Driver, MI

From a Reader in Singapore...

The books arrived today in good condition. I read it in one sitting, as I couldn't put it down. 

Thanks to Sharon (and of course, her husband, Joshua) for having the courage and determination to put her story in print! 


I appreciate her honesty in accounting raw moments and thoughts, articulating what many may feel and think but aren't able to express, for whatever reason (especially is our Asian, Singaporean context). I think those in similar situations will know they're not alone and feel encouraged, even emboldened to take the necessary steps forward in the journey of healing. 


It was an excellent idea to also introduce therapies in a down-to-earth way, acknowledging that our experiences do affect us physiologically. It definitely gave me a new perspective of counselling approaches. 


What impacted me most is how Sharon has made Christ so real, how His death on the cross relates directly to our and now. Really 'BOOM' moments!  


May God's work in and through your lives continue to draw many, many to Jesus! "

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